Does your Life need A Revamp?

Today everyone is concerned with health, quality of life, and longevity.  Old ways are not working, and it is becoming more obvious that a comprehensive new approach is necessary.  No longer can we wait unit illness occurs or incorporate a nominal amount of exercise and supplements into our regime and consider the problem solved.  Preventative […]

What You Need is A New Lifestyle! 

The Plant-Based Lifestyle works!  Preventative medicine is a relatively new concept.  Given the rising healthcare costs, and plethora of preventable illness, it has practical ramifications.  Preventative medicine and lifestyle change involves diet and exercise to prevent the more egregious and expensive maladies and for practical reasons and is beginning to have roots in modern medicine.  […]

Time For a Change!

Are you concerned with your health, quality of life, and longevity?  Are the old ways are not working for you, and is it becoming more obvious that a comprehensive new approach is necessary?  Are you struggling with your weight, were you told you are pre-diabetic, is your blood pressure too high?  Don’t wait unit you […]

The Plant Based Person

The plant-based person has zero chance of developing the Non- Communicable Diseases of Heart Disease, Diabetes, some Cancers, Anti-Microbial Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and is unlikely to become obese, vitamin deficient or seriously constipated.  Additionally, they will have a light carbon footprint, contribute little or nothing to global warming, and […]